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24.03.2025 Innovative AI tool from XING makes hidden jobs visible

There are about a million job ads available on XING, but millions of other jobs remain hidden. With our new AI tool, positions that are currently filled, but may be of interest to job seekers in the future, now become visible.

The tool allows users to rethink their career and get inspired by the career paths of other members. The XING algorithm analyses the profiles of over 22 million members and shows possible career options. Users can quickly see company names, locations, job titles, and additional information, and they can visit the profiles of members currently working in the suggested positions.

By swiping a suggested job to the right, the algorithm learns to provide more relevant recommendations in the future. A swipe to the left removes the job. Users can signal their interest in a job position by clicking on the bell icon. This helps us make future job suggestions based on individual preferences.

The feature is now available for logged-in users at www.xing.com/hidden-jobs.

XING is the first provider ever to convert its job search to a dialog-based AI, fundamentally changing the way we search for jobs. The rigid search using keywords such as “job title” and “city” is now a thing of the past. Instead, in the generous input field of the new Smart Search, you simply enter everything that is important to you for your next job: career or salary targets, full or part-time, corporate culture, your strengths and skills, whole sentences, keywords, numbers, ... The new Smart Search is available to all XING members and non-registered users to try out and test at https://www.xing.com/jobs/search/ki/start.

Anything goes, everything is allowed:

- I want to make children laugh
- Show me something with soccer!
- I want to be a social media manager for a sustainable company. Work from home, work 4 days a week. I'm good in communicating. Resilient and with attention to detail. I want to earn at least 50k.

The XING AI not only searches through the almost 1 million job ads from the X job market. It also interprets the context and intention of the respective search, finds related terms with similar meanings. The most important filters are set automatically, saving job seekers additional clicks.

The result: a list of highly relevant jobs that a classic keyword search has not yet been able to produce in this form. Gone are the days when you might miss the perfect job just because you mistyped it or just searched for the wrong job title. Find the job you perhaps didn't even know you were looking for.

For security reasons, you’ll no longer be able to log in with your username or mobile phone number in the future. Instead, you’ll only be able to log in with the e-mail address you registered with and use for notifications. This is also the e-mail address we sent this message to. You can find and edit this address in your XING settings.

We’ve already introduced this change in our mobile apps, and is due to apply on our website from the end of May.

If you need a CV and you already have a well filled XING profile, simply go to https://www.xing.com/lebenslauf and login with your XING credentials. Now choose a template and import your profile data to it. This saves you a lot of time when preparing your application documents.

14.02.2024 Amendment of the XING General Terms and Conditions in accordance with the requirements of the Digital Services Act

From 17 February 2024, EU Regulation 2022/2065 on a single market for digital services and amending Directive 2000/31/EC (the ‘Digital Services Act’) will also apply to the XING service.

The primary aim of the Digital Services Act is to make the internet safer and more transparent for users in Europe.

In the interest of transparency, the Digital Services Act requires service providers to include certain content in their general terms and conditions.

This content includes transparent information about any limitations on information provided by users, details of any policies, procedures, actions and tools used for content moderation, including algorithmic decision-making and human review, as well as the procedural rules for the internal complaint-handling system.

In addition, providers must outline the rules for handling misuse of the service or its reporting and remedy procedures or internal complaint-handling systems. Furthermore, providers must be transparent about the recommendation and referral systems in use.

To comply with these requirements, we’ve updated the XING General Terms and Conditions (https://www.xing.com/terms/xing) to include some details that weren’t covered until now.

13.12.2023 Show that you are hiring on your XING profile

Are you looking for staff? Now you can show on your profile page that you are hiring and what exactly you are looking for. As soon as you have entered hiring details, the “Hiring” badge will be added to your profile.

06.12.2023 Add AI-generated content to your CV

On Lebenslauf.com you can quickly and easily create a CV using our free templates and download it as a PDF file. And from now on, an AI will help you fill out the “About me” field. Enter your education, professional experience and skills and let the AI ​​generate a text that describes your career to date. Of course, you can change and add to this individually as desired.

FAQ ID: 68296