Add volunteer experience


If you’re a member of the Red Cross, fire brigade, animal rescue or some other charitable organisation, you can add this experience to your timeline.

This information shows other users and recruiters that you play an active role in the community at large. Here’s how to add volunteer experience to your profile:

1. Go to your profile by clicking on your profile image in the top left of the XING website. In the XING app tap on your profile image in the top left area of the screen and choose Profile.

2. Scroll down to Timeline and click the plus symbol.

3. On the next screen, select Professional experience or apprenticeship.

4. Add the details about your new experience. Here’s an example:

  • Job title: Emergency response volunteer
  • Employment status: Volunteer
  • Career level: e.g. entry level
  • Discipline: Health, medical and social
  • Company: Red Cross
  • Industry: Health and social
  • Duration: From June 2015 to present (or set an end date)
  • Show on business card: We suggest you only check this box if you have no other form of employment as this will be displayed along with your name and profile photo at the top of your profile.

5. Now click Save and you’re done.

If you’d like to tell profile visitors a bit more about your volunteer work, we suggest using the About me section. There you can describe why you chose that particular organisation, what exactly you do there, and how others can get involved if they’d like to do something similar.

FAQ ID: 68326