Adding skills to your profile


Filling out the “Skills” field on XING is crucial because it shows your skills, your qualifications and what makes you special.

Recruiters are constantly looking for talents and search XING by using specific keywords to find suitable profiles. Your skills and qualifications therefore are key terms to ensure that recruiters can find you. So it's best to enter them now.

  1. Go to your profile by clicking on your photo in the top left of the XING website. In the XING app tap on your profile image or the shadow image in the top left area of the screen and choose Profile

  2. Scroll down to the Skills field and click on the plus icon to add new keywords.

By entering relevant keywords that reflect your professional qualifications and skills, you increase your visibility for recruiters. For example: Do you work with SalesForce every day? Then just enter it. If you don't really know what to enter - here's a tip: look up interesting job ads, check what skills or qualifications are required and enter them into your profile straight away.

FAQ ID: 68351